Other photos:
Sarah in full flight.
Amy under the coach's watchful eye.
More 'anti-clumping' coaching required.
Jessica, Devon, Mary, Jenna and (little) Lexi.
Mary 'in' goal.
Sarah heads to the goal.
The frontline - Sarah, (big) Lexi and Caylee.
Zoe tries to win the race to the ball.
Zoe clears the zone with a big boot.
Victoria prepares to pass to Zoe.
Jenna gets some throw-in coaching.
Danielle, Jenna, (little) Lexi and Zoe.
The goalie stymies Zoe.
Zoe on defense.
Jessica zooms ahead of the field.
Jessica splits a seam.
Mary, Jenna, (little) Lexi, Amy and Jessica.
Sarah stops a Tiger rush.
Mary and Amy move in together.
Jenna happy about her first goal.
Sarah gets the point.
Mary calls for the ball.
Both teams on the run.
Caylee takes on a slew of yellow-jerseyed Tigers.
Caylee plays some defense.
(Little) Lexi controls the ball.
(Big) Lexi playing in front of a line of parents.
The team gathers after the game.
The Tigers and Dragons exchanged post-game congratulations.
Until next week.