Other photos:
Caylee tries to win the race.
Caylee strides downfield.
Tired pair, Jessica and Mary.
Purple Dragons scrambling in their own end.
Danielle zooming ahead of Jenna and (Big) Lexie.
Jenna and Danielle closing in.
The coach instructs Caylee, Zoe and (Little) Lexie.
Caylee, Zoe and (Little) Lexie happy that the coach is gone.
Caylee isn't dissauded.
Zoe surrounded but still determined.
Caylee licking her lips.
Mary zips past the goalie.
The coach shouts instructions (with Caylee in background).
Caylee gets corner kick instructions.
Jenna gets defense instructions.
Jessica at full speed.
Caylee and (Little) Lexie on the offensive.
The coach likes Caylee's thrown in.
Caylee turns to hear instructions.
Jessica hunts for the ball.
Big Lexie shows good ball control.
Caylee and (Little) Lexie play great defense.
The Purple Dragons cheer their opponents after the game.